Saturday, August 26, 2017


   Work on the final technical layout is continuing. I can't tell you how many revision have been required to finish refining this product. The numbering system is up to Rev 19-31.

   I will be moving forward to set up the operation of the e-book... again! The design elements which seemed to be finished, were found to have flaws, have now been corrected. So the file stucture and links need to now be rebuilt.

   Once this is completed, the Industry Review Package will be ready to distribute to investors and other business partners.

    The illustrations for the product are not complete and the volume of illustration panels required is currently 348 panels. That is a other of panels, which represent composites of many more pieces of artwork.

   With all this, the art department will be the focus of attention and that means that the animation department will be part of that attention.

   So, there's much to do and it all requires funding resources. If this is of interest to you, check out IMS Producing Partners.