Wednesday, July 4, 2018

Online purchase of Volume One

If you check The Gnomes of New Hope blog, my most recent post there will bring you up to date.

I will be building a page to purchase the published books. "Volume One, An Introduction to The Gnomes of New Hope" will be available shortly and I will be using this blog for sales.

Booksellers and individuals can both purchase books from here, once I set up the pricing schedule.

All the books are published by IMS Publishing, a division of Image of the Mind Studios. We will be selling quantities under 12 units for the MSRP of $20.

The wholesale pricing is available to booksellers, beginning at 12 units and going down in price as quantities go up until the price bottoms out, allowing for a full keystone at that point. The pricing schedule is not posted, but will be provided upon request.

Distribution is under discussion, so those terms may change. In any event, no product will be shipped from IMS until it is paid in full. The terms are at all times 50/50. No credit is extended, as those funds are required for other production activities.

If you want to lock in an agreement for direct sales of product, you should do so before a Distribution Agreement is in place, otherwise the wholesale cost will go up to accommodate distribution fees.

So those are a few notes regarding the release and distribution of the books, by way of direct sales from IMS Publishing. Other details will follow.