Tuesday, November 20, 2018

Release of the First Book in the Series

Keep watch on the primary blog; thegnomesofnewhope.blogspot.com and peruse the posts to discover the history and progress of the project:

"The Gnomes of New Hope; Zach and Zebby's Grand Adventure"

Here is the latest on the Illustrated Storybook:

Volume One consists of one book. There is a Preface, the Body, and an Appendix. There are a total of 120 pages, with the Body comprising 78 pages. The Preface expounds upon what the project is, some of the Ancillaries and describes the process of creating "The Gnomes of New Hope; Zach and Zebby's Grand Adventure"

The Body of the work is an Introduction to The Gnomes of New Hope, describing who they are, where they live, what they think, how they act, and some of the problems they face. This leads the way for "Zach and Zebby's Grand Adventure", which is presented in Volumes Two & Three. As it stands now, each of those two volumes is comprised of three books, although that may expand, depending on how the completion of the artwork turns out.

Volumes Two & Three are laid out, but the required artwork has not been completed. So, even though the space for the panels has been defined, that may change to give more room for the art.

Volume Two, Books Two & Three are complete and ready for pre-press. Book Four needs about 15 more panels. All told, the series, meaning "Zach and Zebby's Grand Adventure" still needs 345 more panels.

"The Gnomic Tales" are not fully written, only those portions needed for "Zach and Zebby's Grand Adventure" have been sketched out, although some of those tales have been embellished, but none of them have been illustrated.

So, Volume One, Book One, "An Introduction to The Gnomes of New Hope" is ready for release to the public, with the plan that income from Book One will pay for Book Two, of course while also recouping the expenses for Book One. Alternative funding plans exist, one of which is Licensing certain aspects of the project.

I'm always open to discussion via email: image.of.the.mind.studios@gmail

You can find additional information on the IMS Virtual Studio at; imagemindag.blogspot.com